The First Step in Preparing a New England Family Reunion

Maine Party Bus, Family Reunions

The First Step in Preparing a New England Family Reunion

This is the first of our 6 part series that will provide you some great ideas for preparing your next family reunion. Start with these 4 simple tips and watch for the other 5 tips to assist you in choosing what kind of reunion you really wish to plan.

Getting Started

Whom to invite: Everyone, ideally. After all, sometimes it’s the random second cousin you never thought would show up who ends up being the life of the party. If you can’t provide every branch of the family tree, one of the first things you want to do is to decide how far up the family tree you want to go. This can depend on how often you have a family event and how close you already are to your immediate family. If you all live in the same city and every other Friday feels like a family reunion already, go deeper into the tree and invite all of those people you haven’t seen since you were all kids.

When to start preparing: Set a date as early as possible by striving at least a year in advance. Families with school-aged children generally need to plan around the school schedule. How far in advance you plan can depend a great deal on how long the event will be and how many people you are going to invite. Preparing won’t take a full year if the event will consist of 20 people for a camping weekend together. However, if you have 300 coming for a 4 day event, you better buckle down for a bunch of planning.

How long it should last: For an annual reunion, a weekend will be enough. If reunions don’t occur as regularly, plan a few extra days for those who can stay longer. Take note: When you plan a reunion, be mindful that the duration of the event will also increase costs and the amount of time spent away from work and school. If you are wondering how long it should be, try taking a survey of your family and ask them how long they think it should be.

How to plan it: Select a “point person” from each nuclear family so that wires don’t get crossed. Also, take an informal survey of what people are willing to spend and when they would like to go. Included in our blog are a number of checklists, Q&A’s, and other things that will be helpful as you plan your New England reunion.

Planning a family reunion can be easier with these great tips we have provided. You just need to make sure that everything is well organized and that the things necessary for the event is well prepared. One of the most important things to prepare is the transportation service such as Maine Party Bus. It is vital to transport your family whom will attend the family reunion.

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