Author: admin

When you think of Martin Luther King, Jr., chances are good that the very first thing that enters your mind are his contributions as a civil rights activist, and it's little wonder why. Odds are also effective that some of the words from his famous...

Due to the 2016 presidential election in the United States, people will distinguish Donald Trump as a world leader. Long before this time in history, he was a very driven businessman, son of a rich father who attained his fortune by investing in public housing...

Maybe you chose to abstain from alcohol for religious or health reasons. For whatever reason, if any of these descriptions sound like you, you probably don't know much about wine (unless you've been around it a lot because of friends). Learning some basics can be...

As a motorcoach company, we get the privilege of taking part in the events that decrease when 2 people are going to tie the knot. In some cases we're chauffeuring a lot of folks around throughout a bachelorette party, shuttling people at a rehearsal supper,...

Here at Northeast Charter & Tour, we make it a point to stay up-to-date by looking toward the future and aligning our business with industry standards. One of the upcoming changes mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is the regulation enforcing motorcoaches to...

Okay, certainly. Camping out indicates time with family and friends, having the ability to watch the stars above you as you drop off to sleep, and in some cases there's nothing quite like some Dutch oven cooking, s'mores around the campfire, playing in the desert,...