
In 2011, the entire world watched in excitement. People thronged the roads awaiting the only married couple to appear on the royal balcony to greet the cheering crowd. But a part of what made it so remarkable is that it was the first time in...

If you throw rice as a couple comes from the church after the ceremony or you lift glasses in a toast at a wedding supper, wedding customs and traditions vary across the world. In North America an engagement ring to suggest with, and we often...

The proposition occurred. Check. Found the apparel. Check. Ordered invitations. Check. Reserved a place, hired a photographer, arranged the cake, fulfilled together with the florist. Check, check, check, check. But what about procuring transportation services for one of the most important times of your life? At Northeast Charter & Tour, we...

When you gather to celebrate the wedding of two people who have discovered happiness with them, you never need to think that this joyous union could one day result in an affair or painful separation and divorce. But, truth is, statistics aren't very favorable these...

What do flowers, invitations, party favors luncheons tuxes, a photographer a man that is best, family, friends, and happy, emotional adjustments bring to mind? That is right. . .weddings! Bet you do not frequently think about our Maine party bus if you think of the wedding...

Wedding celebrations are a time of hope and laughter, the joining of hearts and lives, goals, dreams, and aspirations. They're a special event of the prosperity that has been found between two people, and the pledge of devotion they are making as they moving forward...

The day is fast approaching that you've dreamed of for several years, maybe since you were a little girl. You thought of exactly what it might be prefer to use that fancy white gown and have your hair done up all snazzy. You imagined what...

Opportunities are great that you'd like to be in the best possible shape for the huge day if you've got a wedding coming up. Perhaps exercise is currently a consistent part of your life, and it has been for many years. You might be among...