28 Jun Wellness and Green Transportation
It has become an usual thing to witness people wearing Fitbits. Although they are available in different colors and models, it’s pretty normal to hear people discussing how many steps they’ve walked, or for someone to mention that they’re going to take the stairs or go for a late walk to try to meet their target for the day. Familiar, right?
If you’re curious how many calories you burned during a certain exercise, something will track it for you. If you want to know how many carbs are in a serving of your favorite recipe, you can input it into a recipe calculator and get all the nutrition facts by simply submitting the information.
Well, for beginners, they are encouraging us to take more responsibility for our health and to prioritize being good to our bodies. Here’s the thing: these activity trackers are also prioritizing better environmental health.
Well, mostly because they’re motivating us to move our bodies, instead of using something else to get us around. As an alternative to riding in a car sending out toxins into the air, we employ our own two legs to walk, bike, or run to where we need to go. And hey … we’re doing our hearts a benefit, too.
The reality is, we can’t always do that. In some cases the daily commute to work is several miles, too far to be able to walk or bike to work and make things on time in the morning. There are social activities with friends, family reunions involving lots of people and small children, too, and there are group tours where transportation to different locations is necessary to be able to see everything in the designated time.
Bottom line? It’s just simply not possible to get the greenest choice for transportation at all times.
What can you do when you need to go a far distance, and it really isn’t feasible to go the zero-emissions route and begin your activity-tracking app to keep track of your mileage, pace, and calories burned?
Well … you make the next best choice.
And that’s where we arrive in. We might not have the ability to pull off zero emissions, but coach transportation is smart transit. Our coaches can transport up to 57 passengers, which means that we potentially eliminate that many extra cars off the roads, reducing the pollution being released into the environment by that much as well.
That’s the pledge our company offer, aside from keeping our fleet in top condition so that the amount of dangerous emissions we put into the air is as small as we can make it.
When you have to ride a far distance (instead of counting steps), make the next best choice for the environment and call us for your group transportation needs with our charter bus rental Maine!
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