19 Jun Ya Wanna Super Size That?
When Super Size Me premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2004, it had been intended as a commentary on obesity and the fast food business in large. Morgan Spurlock chose to undergo an experiment, and wondered about the impact of fast food on the body. If he ate at McDonald’s for 30 14, what could happen? Would it truly impact his general wellness that much? How much harm could that kind of food cause?
A lot, as it ends up.
The experiment had a few contingencies, however: he was only permitted to “super size” his meal once asked if he would like to ; he could only eat food that was on the menu at McD’s, including water; he had to try every item on the menu at least once; also, he could not skip a meal. He had to eat there for three meals, every day…for 30 days.
He and professionals: a seen before starting the experiment cardiologist, gastroenterologist, a MD, a dietician, and an exercise physiologist. They were able to evaluate his health initially and establish a baseline, and then track what changes (if any) happened during the upcoming month. At the start, all experts agreed that he was in good health: he worked out his blood tests were good, and his intensity and fitness levels were above average.
Not for long.
Over the first week, he gained 9 pounds, and that number was up to he neared two weeks of being on the diet. But after 30 days from McD’s of meals? He had gained a 25 in addition to discovering that the food seemed to be affecting his disposition! Pounds. (Incidentally, it took him over a year to lose the weight he had gained in only one month.)
From driving home the truth that processed food isn’t great for the entire body, Spurlock’s documentary encouraged the viewer to consider aspects of the way we, as Americans, socialize with what we eat.
Have a look at food marketing in the United States, for example. Starting from when kids are extremely young, they are always exposed to advertising that makes unhealthy food look appealing: sugar cereals, biscuits, candy, chips, etc.. So…what do they want to do when they visit the grocery store with Mother and see the familiar label on the shelf in the aisle? That’s right…they want those yummy cookies that looked so yummy on TV!
What about fast food joints that are a lure for children and kids alike due to the play places they’ve built for children? The people will have something to do while the adults see if parents move there with kids. Win-win, right? Perhaps, until you take into account the nutritional content (or lack thereof) in the food you just purchased.
And it isn’t just the food, either. Soda is another way that many of our health is being compromised by us. When it’s ice cold and carbonated sure , it might taste great, but you could change your mind, should you find out what’s actually in the stuff. (And let us not even get started on the quantity of sugar that’s in them. Take 7-11’s double gulp, by way of instance, packaging a whopping 48 teaspoons of sugar in a single (large!) Cup.)
And sure, this movie may be a bit on the top. After all, most people aren’t eating McDonald’s food daily for each meal. However, it does make you wonder what’s going on to general health in the USA and what’s changed so much to produce the present health issues we are facing.
There could be several plausible answers to that question.
• When it was time to eat it was normal for a stay-at-home parent to prepare the family meal. Nowadays, a lot of people do not cook (or even know how to!) , and that ability isn’t being passed to the next generation.
• With food vulnerability and less cooking, adults, adolescents, and children aren’t currently getting the variety of veggies and fruits they require. Instead, lots of people go for unhealthy “filler” snacks instead of something fresh.
• Food is everywhere! Now our towns are FULL of fast food joints — using an assortment of cuisine choices where people had been strike up the diner in town when they wanted to eat . It’s available just about everywhere you turn.
• Because life is busy and fast-paced, people often take less time. Men and women want something they eat and can catch on the run.
• Processed foods are filled with addictive (read: dangerous) additives which keep you coming back for more, although they’re putting on your body is superb bad news.
• And people move around like they had to and don’t exercise. A lot of today’s jobs demand being behind a computer screen not moving about. People aren’t as busy as they used to be, and it is affecting our health.
These kinds of facts are gloomy, and it’s one of the reasons we love to promote food. You may be laughing at this point, asking how a motorcoach company that offers bus rental New England could maybe be from the food industry. Well, let’s tell you. Tours are offered by us! We believe these are a great way to become exposed to neighborhood, authentic flavors, find out how to prepare dishes from scratch (that is always better for you!) , and have the joy of stopping to enjoy a meal with people that you love (rather than eating on the run). Food should be about subsisting; it ought to be something that feeds the spirit, too. Instead of simply dumping sugars and additives in our bodies, you can eat real food using real ingredients, and we all know you will taste the difference! So, if you want to step away from the fast food outbreak of today and get back to some food basics, call us to schedule a excursion with our bus rental New England today!
The information for this article came from the following source:
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