14 Jun Preparing for Church Youth Activities
While church groups meet to worship together, they often get together to socialize, have fun, and get familiar with each other better, too. This is particularly true with youth during their teenage years, a time when peers become a central aspect of life. It’s critical to have events for them to interact with other kids and keep them entailed and integrated with the congregation. These activities are important because teenagers love to be with friends and socialize, and they want to have stuff going on and things to be parted of.
If you help oversee the young people in your congregation and you’re trying to come up with good activities for the year, here are some suggestions for getting the kids involved and coming up with some fun ideas.
For beginners, have a brainstorming party with the youth. They’re a lot more likely to come out and take part in functions they’re excited about. And if they’re able to be associated with the planning and their suggestions are utilized, you’ll know the activities will be something they’re interested in. Have a planning party. There’s nothing like getting a bunch of pizzas and some soda, eating together, and brainstorming as you refill the calendar for the next year.
Decide on a few things that give some continuity. If you’ve been a leader over the youth for an extensive period of time, you’ll have a good sense of a few activities that always seem to be ideals. Putting those adventures spaced quarterly over the next 12 months will give a framework for the coming year. You can let them plan the activities in between to present new stuff.
Obtain various perspectives. One way you can do this is to have a few activities that the boys get to choose and plan, and then some activities that the girls come up with and execute. News flash, but there’s something to be said for genders gravitating to different things, and allowing them to alternate planning will likely bring some selection to the table.
With the same line, you can have a few activities where the leaders have the chance to choose. Sometimes you want them to have a particular experience, and from time to time letting the leaders choose what the activity will be creates the ideal opportunity to introduce something new or expand on a goal.
It’s always a good idea to plan some service projects and give the youth a chance to give back to the community or help in some way. Along with whatever fun is on the calendar, throw some service into the mix, too.
It’s fun spending time with youth because their zest for life is contagious. We love working with church groups, making if possible for them to get from Point A to Point B with our charter bus rental Maine. We’d love to customize a quote for your congregation and help create an opportunity for you to make a memory together!
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