Activities Your Churchgoers Can Enjoy All through the Year

cleanup party for churchgoers, Charter Bus Rental Maine

Activities Your Churchgoers Can Enjoy All through the Year

Among the benefits that incorporates being part of a church group is a sense of community. While it’s nice to gather on Sundays to worship, church groups often spend time doing fun things together to enhance friendships, too. Here are some seasonal activities that will bring everyone together for some fun if you’re the one that’s in charge of planning social events for your congregation.

Even though this may not be “fun,” managing a spring cleanup party can certainly be effective. Sometimes there are big projects that need doing (moving furniture, laying sod, or chopping a huge pile of wood, for example), and the old familiar proverb is certainly true: many hands make easy work. Or, there may be widows or single mothers in your members who could work with some help with yard work or points that need fixing around the house. No matter what the circumstance, cooperating can deepen your appreciation for each other and teach children the importance of service, too. Some other ideas? Plant a community garden. Prepare the earth in the spring, plant the seeds and starter plants, then work together so everybody can enjoy some of summer’s bounty. But for fun? What about going roller skating together or planning a themed St. Patrick’s Day get-together? All of these things will bring the group closer together and establish lasting memories.

Hiking together in the nearby canyon to see an impressive waterfall or visiting a local water park and enjoying the sun together are good opportunities, too. It’s super fun to canoe on the lake and make s’mores around the campfire when it gets dark. It’s a lovely thing to be moved by a sermon on Sunday, but it’s pretty awesome to watch that same preacher bust a gut when you’re out having fun together, and those memories will linger in your mind and heart long after they’ve taken place.

Awwwwwh … fall is really magical for so many reasons, and the activities available at this time of year don’t disappoint. Come October, throw a harvest festival to see who grew the biggest pumpkin, have a chili cook off, exchange favorite pumpkin recipes, and have a variety of activities for the kids (pumpkin carving, face painting, a spook alley and cake walk, etc.). Each of these activities are the perfect pairing for when the chill returns to the air and the holidays are around the corner.

When white comes to cover the brown earth during the winter months, why not take the congregation on a group ski trip– for a day, an evening, or longer! And, when the holidays roll around, there’s nothing like caroling together as a group and getting together for hot chocolate and some Christmas cookies when the evening is over.

It’s cool to plan activities that relate the different seasons. If you’re the lucky one who has the job of organizing events to bring everyone together, hopefully these ideas gave you some inspiration. And hey, if you require to find an effective way to transport the group, our charter bus rental Maine is the solution you’re searching for! It doesn’t matter the event; we know we have the room to transport all the gear, and our professional, friendly drivers can get you where you have to be in safety and comfort. Contact us today, and we’ll customize a quote just for you!

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